Since Spotify is updating its app constantly, many visualizer skins cannot match its new versions in time. Unfortunately, there are few skins that can show the now playing page right now. Can Rainmeter Visualizer Skins Show Now Playing? Just go to to download the Rainmeter visualizer and get the visualizer skins you like. With the help of visualizer skins, you can see the visualizer of songs or audio playing on your default music player or other compatible devices. There are a lot of visualizer skins on the internet. In the next, you’ll see the alternative ways. But don’t worry! When there is a requirement, there is a solution instead.

But since 2018, this feature has been shut down for several years, so we cannot use Rainmeter Spotify directly. And years ago, it was convenient to use the Rainmeter Spotify plugin. Rainmeter is an excellent tool and it can be compatible with some common or popular music players, such as iTunes, and Windows Media Player. Here are the questions which had been asked by many people and you may be interested in them too. FAQs About Rainmeter Spotify Visualizerįirstly, let’s look at some basic information about Spotify Rainmeter. HotKey plugin by Brian ( HotKey plugin 1.Part 1. WebNowPlaying by Trevor Hamilton ( tjhrulz/WebNowPlaying: A NowPlaying like plugin for rainmeter built for getting music info from websites ()) You might wanna change these to keys/key combos, which are actually on your keyboard. These shortcuts are on F21-F24 by default.

Additionally it allows you to control playback and lastly it adds additional global keyboard hotkeys for changing the Spotify volume and for hearting and unhearting a song (all other important hotkeys should be supported by Spotify itself). It also shows you your current Spotify volume and your current position within a track and allows you to change both of these by clicking on the respective progress bars.

(), spicetify.app/docs/advanced-us…).Īs for the capabilities of the bar: It allows you to see the album art, the Artist, the Album and the Title. You can use spicetify-cli to easily patch spotify ( khanhas/spicetify-cli: Commandline tool to customize Spotify client. This way you can have this music bar permanently on screen and other application won't overlay themselves over the bar, as long as you don't explicitly move them over the bar).Īdditionally, this bar is only intended for Spotify and only works, if Spotify is patched with webnowplaying.js (technically the bar SHOULD work with other applications which are supported by webnowplaying). So it fits at the top/bottom of a fullhd monitor (You can tell Rainmeter to tell windows, that the top/bottom 39 pixels are an additional taskbar. I created that mostly for myself, since Spotify has no proper miniplayer and I decided to share it, since something like this doesn't exist already (as far as I am aware).